
Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC

Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC 超安全电阻测量Alpha 4314数字式点火器测试仪是一款便携式数字式欧姆表,专门为爆炸装置的超安全电阻测试而设计。 设计与生活保护心灵安全

Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC

2021-07-06 14:07 测试仪valhalla 上一篇:Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model Alpha 4314 |下一篇:Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314KV

Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC 超安全电阻测量 Alpha 4314数字式点火器测试仪是一款便携式数字式欧姆表,专门为爆炸装置的超安全电阻测试而设计。 
这些设备在测试连续性完整性时不会引爆也同样重要。 为此,瓦尔哈拉为每台仪器配备了冗余的双重故障安全限流网络电路,以确保仪器测试电流不会超过规定值。 即使万一组件出现比较坏情况,输出电流限制网络仍然有效。 为了证明我们出货的每个设备的安全水平是完好无损的,在比较终测试期间模拟比较坏情况的组件故障,并记录输出电流,并将数据附加到设备上。Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 Low Ohms
Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC
Alpha 4314采用四线开尔文输入配置,以消除引线长度和引线接触电阻误差。 这些装置采用电池供电,带有可重复充电的NiMH(10Ah)包装,便于携带和线路隔离。 AC适配器电池充电器是标准配置。 为了更加方便和安全,Alpha 4314具有内部开关配置,可在操作模式下自动禁用电池充电电路。 或者,在关闭/充电模式下,所有电源都会从输出电路中移除。

与所有Valhalla数字式电阻表和点火器测试仪一样,Alpha 4314可配备多种4线探头和电缆套件。 Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314KV

该接口在电源和数据线路上隔离至2.5kV,并采用iCoupler技术。 选件RS-232提供了一种安全的方式通过计算机或PLC与Alpha 4314进行通信,并允许传输单个读数或连续传输数据。 该接口仅用于数据采集,不提供范围控制。

对于需要数据输出的应用,Alpha 4314提供“BCD”。请注意,BCD选件不会干扰或更改仪器的FailSafe功能。 

标准版本的Alpha 4314具有20,200,2k和20k欧姆范围; 但是用户可以选择购买具有不同配置的仪器。 在下表中列出了可以安装在Alpha 4314中的八种可能的范围。订购时,只需指定您希望安装在点火器测试仪上的四个范围编号。Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model Alpha 4314

Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC
General Specifications:
Accuracy: (180 days 25°C ± 10°C)

±0.03% of reading ±0.02% of range for 2 ohm through 20k ohm ranges.
±0.05% of reading ±0.05% of range for 200k ohm range.
± 1.0% of reading ±0.2% of range for 2M ohm range.
±2% of reading ±0.2% of range for 20M ohm range.
±3% of reading ±1% of range for 200M ohm range.
Display: 4 1/2 digit (19999) L.E.D. – 20,000 counts

Terminal Configuration: Four-wire Kelvin

Overload Indication: Display flashes

Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to 50°C

Temperature Coefficient: ±.002% per °C (from 0°C to 15°C and 35°C to 50°C)

Conversion Rate: 3 per second

Power: Rechargable NiMH (10Ah) batteries & charger (115 VAC 50-60 Hz)

Size: 27cm/11″ D x 9.5cm/24″ W x 8cm/3″ H

Weight: 1.3 KG/3lbs NET 3 KG/6 lbs shipping

Now Available with RS-232 Interface
Ultra-Safe Resistance Measurements
Ultra Fail Safe Circuitry Limits Current
100 micro-ohm resolution to 200M ohms – 9 Ranges
Rechargeable Battery Operated
Safe Tester for Explosive Devices
Certified Mil Std 810 – Method 511 Safe for Explosive & Volatile Atmospheres
Complies to (EWR) 127-1, Section
Safety Approval by US Government/Military
Certificate of N.I.S.T. traceabilty included at no extra charge
BCD Interface
Carrying Case
19″ Rack Mount Adaptor
Test Leads:
K – Kelvin Lead Set (Alligator Clips)
KK – Heavy – Duty Leat Set (Alligator Clips)
C – Banana-Clip Cable
MP-1 – Kelvin Micro-Probes (Needle)
MP-2 – Kelvin Mini-Probes (Needle)
MP-S – Single Pointed Probes (Needle)
MP-4 – 1″dia Surface Probes
MP-5 – 0.5″dia Surface Probes
BBL – Banana-to-Banana Cables
Ultra-Safe Resistance Measurement
The Alpha 4314 Digital Igniter Tester is a portable digital ohmmeter which has been specifically designed for ultra-safe resistance testing on explosive devices (i.e. squibs, detonators).  The 4314 series’ circuitry has been reviewed and approved by a U.S. Government Safety Board and all branches of our armed forces for specific military programs (i.e. Cruise Missile).

Designed with Life Protecting Safety in Mind
There are a variety of critical military, aerospace and industrial applications which utilize squibs and other blasting devices. In each case, it is extremely important that these devices detonate when required. It is equally important that these devices do not detonate while being tested for continuity integrity. To this end, Valhalla equips each instrument with redundant, dual fail-safe current limiting network circuitry to insure that the instrument test currents cannot exceed the specified amount. Even in the unlikely event of a worst case component failure, the output current limiting network is still in effect. To prove that this level of safety is intact in every unit we ship, a worst case component failure is simulated during final test with the resulting output current flow is recorded and that data is attached to the unit.

The Alpha 4314 utilizes a four-wire Kelvin input configuration to eliminate lead wire length and lead contact resistance errors. The units are battery powered with a heavy duty rechargable NiMH (10Ah) pack for portability and line isolation purposes. An AC adaptor battery charger is standard. For added convenience and safety, the Alpha 4314 feature an internal switching configuration which automatically disables the battery charging circuit when in the operate mode. Alternately, all power is removed from the output circuitry when in the off/charging mode.

As with all Valhalla Digital Ohmmeters and Igniter Testers, the Alpha 4314 is available with a host of 4-wire probes and cable sets. Consult the end of this section for complete information on Options and Accessories.Observator风速风向仪

RS-232 Serial Interface Capability (NEW)
The interface is isolated to 2.5kV on both power and Data lines and uses iCoupler Technology. Option RS-232 provides a safe way to communicate with the Alpha 4314 via a computer or PLC and allows the transfer of single readings or continuous transmission of data. This interface is for data acquisition only and does not provide range control. See Datasheet for more details. Option RS-232 Data Sheet

BCD Capability
For applications requiring data output the Alpha 4314 is available with “BCD.”  Notice that the BCD Option does not interfere or change the FailSafe feature of the instrument.  Option BCD Data Sheet

Range Selection
The standard version of the Alpha 4314 features a 20, 200, 2k, and 20k Ohm range; however the user can choose to purchase an instrument with a different configuration. In the table below are listed the eight possible ranges that can be installed in the Alpha 4314.  When ordering, simply specify the four range numbers you perfer installed in your igniter tester


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标题:Valhalla 数字式点火器测试仪 Model 4314 KRC
